Akashic Records and Intuitive Art
With: Don Ernesto Ortiz
Marina Veron
May 13th – 16th 2021
Massabielle, Dionay

Join us and awaken the playful inner child, the artist within.
No need to have experience as an artist, the only requirement is to have an open, playful, joyous heart.
This is a completely experiential workshop that will ignite the Akashic segment of your intuitive, artistic mind to self-express in a space of acceptance and freedom.
Give yourself the gift of creating a strong and solid artistic foundation for the way that you will be creating and imagining your life to be in the next few days, weeks, year and decade.

Let the Akashic Records guide you and show you the artistic side of yourself.
Don’t worry about if have not taken the Akashic Records classes…. You will receive a deep imprint and encoding, through meditation, and visuals that will go and help you reformat your brain and awaken the Artist Brain within yourself.
What we will do:
A way to express ourselves from the inside out in a way that whatever comes out is a creative expression of that moment.
Trusting your intuition to guide you.
You will use the practice of entering into intimate communion with the inner world of Akasha and the Sacred Chamber of your heart, of your mind and spirit.
Expressing yourself in a non-conventional way, with no need for outside approval, removing patterns, believes and limitations.
Daring to be audacious and tapping into this creative energy that lives in us all.

An extraordinary way to have fun and give your experience life, it is a way of expressing our creative self after any of the processes. It’s about sharing time with the group and celebrating with others. Its about letting others take care of yourself and they will do the same with you. Its about removing all the masks and creating one, the reflects your whole experience. It’s about becoming and dancing your mask. It’s something that you will take home to remember your experience and share it with others.

A new concept created by Don Ernesto, imagine that the whole floor turns into a gigantic canvas and you can and will use your feet
as paint brushes to express and you dance to deeply inspiring music. Let your artistic imagination as you are guided by the Akashic Records to inspire you and return to your inner child qualities of freedom.
Imagine to dance and paint, and play and have fun as you bend time and return to those unforgettable moments of childhood play. This is done in the spirit of co-creativity with others bring out the child in you and you Paint Your Dance!!

Where: Massabiel Dionay
Hameau le Pelanillon
38160 Dionay
Cost: € 640
Contact: Marina Veron
Supplies: Supplies will be available for you to be able to attend the class. However we also suggest for you to bring your own.
A complete list of supplies will be sent to you once you register
Come join us, it is time to come out to play, create and dance