Akashic Records Level 1 with Tina Hellingrath Var, South of France Var

Event Date:

July 6, 2024

Event Time:

9:00 am

Event Location:

Salernes 83690

Level 1 (Initiation)

In the Level 1 class, you will learn to open the Akashic Records for yourself giving you instant access to the Masters of Akasha, you will be able to start a relationship with them to receive the guidance that you need in your life. You will be able to look at all the self-created patters, the pains, the wounds, the addictions, codependences, the repeated patters and everything that you have created in this life. You will also have the opportunity to look to the past, past, meaning if you are dealing with any untransmuted material from a previous life, you will be able to go back and look at what happened then, what is the energy imprint that you are still dealing with and correct the emotional imprint, therefore eliminating negative karma. 

You will learn Grace Points, these are physical points of action that manifest in your hands, they are like indicators that will help you to connect the dot and get deeper into any question that you may have. We look at patterns of interference, childhood issues, so we can heal the inner child and give him and her an opportunity to be free from anything that might have happened during childhood.

We look at traumas, from the past and we heal them in the present, we learn how to bend time and travel in the Akashic Fields to correct any emotional imprint that is connected to issues of forgiveness and change that imprint.

This is the best way to clean karma.

We begin to look at ancestry and genealogy and if we are ready we ask is my ancestry serving me? And from that answer begin a healing karmic family process, you will have the opportunity to free yourself from family karma and at the same time energetically free your family so they can move on in their own spiritual evolution without the old karmic weight.

You will be introduced to the Art of Questioning, this is truly an art; if you want to get to the root cause of any issue and be able to completely heal it…. Then you must learn how to ask the right questions and be able to follow the thread.

The purpose of this class is to give participants an opportunity to learn a Sacred Prayer, opening their hearts to the pure essence of love and receiving access to this magnificent realm. In the Level 1 class, we focus on how to open and access the Records for ourselves, we start with an attunement that fine-tunes the information as it is being given to us by the Masters and Teachers of Akasha, and we start learning how to translate that information.

With this Loving & Illuminating Process you May:

  • Receive Positive Spiritual Guidance from the Masters and Teachers.
    Learn your Souls Purpose.
  • Access Past, Present & Potential Future Information.
  • Release Limitations, Patterns & Beliefs through Grace.
  • Empower Yourself to Transform Relationships, Career, and Other Life Aspects.
  • Access Peace as a Way of Life.

Event Location:

Total Seats: 0
  • Salernes 83690
  • Salernes, Var, France
  • 83690
  • France

Event Schedule Details

  • July 6, 2024 9:00 am   -   July 9, 2024 5:00 pm
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