Akashic Records Level 4 with Don Ernesto Ortiz Quebec Translated by TIna Hellingrath

Event Date:

December 12, 2024

Event Time:

9:00 am

Event Location:

Saint-Marcel-de-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada


Welcome to the Dragonfly Level, a transformative experience designed to elevate your spiritual journey and empower you to truly soar! This workshop is entirely experiential, encouraging you to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace new dimensions of your being. Here, you will find a safe and encouraging environment to explore the depths of your potential.

Breaking Free from Limitations

If you’ve been diligently applying the teachings from previous levels and establishing a deep connection with Akasha, yet still feel an invisible weight holding you back—much like the anchors that prevent a hot air balloon from ascending—then this workshop is your opportunity for liberation. Together, we will focus on identifying and releasing what no longer serves your highest good, allowing you to rise and embrace the fullness of your potential. This process is not just about letting go; it’s about making space for the new and the extraordinary.

Engaging with the Akashic Records

During this workshop, the Akashic Records will serve as our primary modality. This sacred space acts as a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing. By tapping into the Records, you will receive guidance and insights that illuminate your path, helping you to release emotional, mental, and spiritual blocks that hinder your growth.

You will engage with the four lower bodies—mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual—while also incorporating the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. This holistic approach encourages you to integrate these eight aspects of your being, fostering clarity and insight that will propel you forward. By harmonizing these elements within yourself, you will cultivate a sense of balance and empowerment.

The Symbolism of the Dragonfly

The dragonfly is a powerful symbol of transformation. It spends three-quarters of its life underwater, where it undergoes significant development, and only one-quarter above water, where it showcases its beauty and agility. Water represents emotions, and many of us find ourselves submerged beneath the weight of unresolved feelings that impede our spiritual advancement.

In this class, you will confront these accumulated emotions—both from this life and previous ones—allowing you to discern whether they serve your journey. This confrontation is not merely an exercise; it is an opportunity to transform your relationship with your emotions, empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with grace and wisdom.

Cultivating or Releasing Emotions

As you explore your emotional landscape, you will learn to identify which feelings contribute positively to your life. You will discover how to cultivate and enhance these emotions, transforming them into strengths that empower you. Conversely, if you identify emotions that no longer serve your highest good, this workshop will equip you with the tools to let them go consciously.

You will learn techniques for replacing these limiting emotions with intentions and feelings that align with your true desires.

Reflect on this: How would you like to live the rest of your life? What truly holds you back? These questions will guide your transformation and help you to envision a future that resonates with your authentic self.

Embracing the Unknown

Prepare to embrace the unexpected during this workshop. The key to unlocking your potential lies in your willingness to approach each experience with a beginner’s mind—open, receptive, and eager to learn. This mindset allows you to shed preconceived notions and ego-driven limitations, creating space for genuine growth and insight.

You will be encouraged to step into the unknown, where true transformation occurs. By embracing uncertainty, you will discover new opportunities for learning and self-discovery that can lead to profound breakthroughs.

Stepping into Your Power

The Dragonfly class is specifically designed to facilitate your release of what no longer serves you, enabling you to step fully into your power. You will learn how to fly—not just metaphorically, but by embodying the freedom and lightness that come from shedding the burdens of the past.

This process empowers you to embrace your unique gifts and talents, allowing you to express your true self in every aspect of your life. As you ascend, you will inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of transformation in the world around you.

Join us in the Dragonfly Level, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment that will elevate your spirit and liberate your true essence.

Event Location:

Total Seats: 0
  • Saint-Marcel-de-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada
  • Quebec
  • Canada

Event Schedule Details

  • December 12, 2024 9:00 am   -   December 15, 2024 5:00 pm
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