Akashic Records Retreat
Sacred Wisdom for Transformation
In Magical Guatemala
March 30th ~ April 11th, 2018
Recommended reading before the Retreat:
The Akashic Records
By: Ernesto Ortiz
[ps2id url=’#1′ offset=’ps2id-speed-600′ class=”]What is Offered[/ps2id] | [ps2id url=’#2′ offset=’ps2id-speed-600′ class=”]Pricing[/ps2id]| Accomodations/Travel | Registration Form 1 | Registration Form 2 | Terms
Join Ernesto Ortiz, author of “The Akashic Records” for an Inner exploration of the self in the land of the Mayas, where the Sacred Prayer came from. There is no better place in the world to explore the Akashic Records than in the birthplace of this energy. If you have been looking for a crystal ball That can help you and guide you in your life…. Look no further; the Akashic Records is the answer. If you need direction, change of career, healing, inspiration, that is what you will get when you learn this material.
The energies of the Cosmic Change Cycle predicted by the Mayas, is being set now. In Mayan numerology March 2017 equals a 10 the Principle of Manifestation, this retreat will help you set the goals of manifesting with clarity and single pointed purpose. This is a “grand” moment of opportunnity to receive the attunment, the Sacred Prayer that will give you a deep and intimate connection with the Lords of Akasha. Your time to act is now!! To plant the seeds of Higher Consciousness and see them grow in your mind and your life.
Ask yourself the following questions:
How are you handling your emotions? Are you in alignment with your Divine Plan? Do you know that you are actually fulfilling your Dharma, your life plan. Are you conscious? What is the condition of your mind? Are you constantly going to the past? and not fully present, in the present. Are you willing to explore the depths of your psyche to become the best person you can be and from that perspective give the best that you can to the world? If the answer is yes, to any of these; then you must give yourself the gift first before you give it to others.
We are the children, we are the elders, we are the past, we are the future, we are the mystics, and the shamans, we are the priest and priestesses, and we are the ancestors that carry the wisdom and the knowledge of the past. Personal and professional transformation begins during this Intensive with Journey to the Heart in one of the most exotic locations in the world, culminating in a lasting commitment to a better life and world.
Explore the magestic beauty of Lake Atitlan, nicknamed “The Mirror of the Gods”, colorful markets, unique indigenous cultures, Shamanic ceremonies for protection by local Shaman and much more… You will have time to inegrate, walk aroud the Sacred Valley, get healing treatments and delicious massages. And we promise you’ll have lots of time to rest, play and explore on your own.
This life changing tour combines the Akashic Records Intensive facilitated by Ernesto Ortiz and other Certified Instructors for Journey to the Heart in a place that is not only dedicated to beauty but with a very unique spiritual essence.
Many people have called Lake Atitlan “The Mirror of the Gods” one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, colorful markets, unique indigenous cultures, Shamanic ceremonies for protection by local Shaman and much more… You will have time to inegrate, walk aroud the Sacred Valley, get healing treatments and delicious massages. And we promise you’ll have time to rest, play and explore on your own.
Our Akashic Records training program is designed to engage the serious spiritual seeker, the one who knows he/she has a greater mission in life. The one who knows that by sharing this oral tradition they will live his/her life dedicated to making a difference. This training is all about YOU, your growth, your process, your personal healing and inspiration. The end result a brighter and lighter you!!
Recommended reading before the Retreat:

The Breakdown of the Intensive:
Three days Akashic Records Level 1 class
Three days Akashic Records Level 2 class
Three days Akashic Records Level 3 class
At the conclusion of the Intensive the student will be awarded an Akashic Records certificate. If you are interested in becoming an official Consultant all the information will be given to you and upon completion an Akashic Records Consultant Certificate will be awarded to you.
If the student feels like he/she would like to continue with the training and become an instructor of the Akashic Records, then a meeting will be set with Ernesto or another certified instructor to enter the Teacher Training Program.
After the program and becoming a TNT (teacher in training) we will consult the Akashic Records and the student may at that point be released as a certified Journey to the Heart Instructor. Since there are three levels of teaching corresponding to the three levels of the Akashic Records classes, the TNT will be qualified to teach the Level I class. After that the student must meet the requirements to teach subsequent levels.
Here is what you will learn in each of the three levels of the Akashic Records and the Consultant training:
About Ernesto |
View photo gallery of past retreats
Rebirth, regression, soul searching, spiritually awakening, these are just some of the phrases I have used to describe our mystical trip to Egypt. Combined with the gift of the Akashic Records to help search within, I am filled with gratitude for this truly amazing experience.
Thank you, my friend, where do we go next??
Dear Ernesto,
This is the most wonderful trip I’ve never taken: the teachings of the Akashic Records were a discovery, which changed my life completely. The energies of the group and the country, the energy from your heart always and in-always there; all this was made possible by you. Thanks to Ernesto whom I’ll never thank enough.
Besides, doing this journey with my husband was very important for us, and as a result greater intimacy from doing it together: the discovery of each other, the trust, added another dimension to our love!
So, I feel a big love and infinite gratitude for you in our lives.
Claudie Gendre
Figeac, FrancOne becomes initiated through being invited! I have undergone a real initiation process both ancient and modern, through the power of the Akashic Records prayer and the Intensive in Egypt. Through the Chakra path I received a real initiation of magnificence and cosmic in scale.
I have so enjoyed all the diverse qualities in the group, nationalities and colorful characters. It was a privilege and a blessing that you Ernesto brought it all together and gave the group strength and room for transcendence.
So from my heart Ernesto, thank you for the teachings, learning’s and workshop.
June M. Lazar
Ireland[vc_tta_tabs active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”Level 1″ tab_id=”1517337967977-a03210b3-302a”]
This three-day intensive class is offered to enable YOU to experience the life transforming process of accessing your Akashic Records, thereby acquiring a tool that will forever be a source of profoundly illuminating growth, healing, and guidance.
The purpose of this class is to give participants an opportunity to learn a Sacred Prayer, opening their hearts to the Holy Spirit and receiving access to this magnificent realm.
In the Level 1 class, we focus on how to open and access the Records for ourselves. We start with an attunement that fine-tunes the information as it is being given to us by the Masters and Teachers of Akasha, and we start to learn how to translate that information.
We begin to understand how to formulate questions that will assist in the conversation as the information is given to us. We learn the Level 1 Grace Points (points of release or action that manifest in the hands) and how these Grace Points come to support our work and progress inside the Akashic Records.
We learn how the energy of the Akashic Records can create healing in our lives, how to identify patterns, behaviors, addictions, and co-dependencies, and how we can create choices to move more freely in life from a point of clarity and guidance.[vc_tta_section title=”Level 2″ tab_id=”1517337968051-1f951878-5171″]
In the Level 2 class you learn to open the Akashic Records for others. As in Level I, we will work with the art of translation of the information received from our Masters and Teachers, and we will become attuned to the essence of pure Love, Light, and the Holy Spirit.
This three-day class gives you the opportunity to deepen into your personal healing and add to the experience from Level I as you enter the sacred space of another seeker to access their Akashic Records. This experience in many cases is life transforming for the individuals receiving the information.
The Level 2 class offers you the opportunity to fine-tune your reception of information, as you not only receive information but also share it through the power of the spoken word. In working with others, you will be opening to receive the information in ways that you have not experienced before. You set yourself in the mode of pure and unconditional service to others and give the information as you receive it. This is the perfect time to open to sight, sound, taste, feelings, and emotions as you share what you get, and is often a time to invite loved ones to come in and communicate unfinished business, express love, or ask for forgiveness and resolution with the person you are reading for.You will learn the Level 2 Grace Points, how to deal with patterns of interference, how to formulate better questions, how to create Sacred space, and additional meditations to increase your own vibrational frequency.
During this class you will also be able to work with fellow consultants as you team up and practice opening the Akashic Records for each other. You will have the opportunity to have your Records read and in the process validate your own answers.[vc_tta_section title=”Level 3″ tab_id=”1517338072441-07729e71-1bea”]
The Akashic Records Level 3 class is an integration of the previous two classes. After you have taken Levels 1 and 2, you have then experienced the magic of information and the love that comes from the Masters and Teachers. You have had the privilege of consulting and opening the Akashic Records for other people.
In the Level 3 class, we deepen into the Akashic Records experience. This class is about YOU, and the deep personal healing that is possible once you get way below the surface and into the root system of the self. This system is what feeds you, what gives you nourishment and is active within the self – 24 hrs a day. It is part of the subconscious and the unconscious, and the subconscious programming and robotic responses that we carry within the self.
In the Level 3 class we will explore:
- The art of questioning. How to formulate questions that can take you deeper.
- Ancestral healing patterns.
- Personal genealogy and how that is playing in your life.
- DNA and personal relationships.
- Advanced Grace Points.
- Feeding your demons
- Imaginal Cells and how they play a major role in your life.
- How to uncover and activate the Amos Code. This code is within the DNA as God’s signature and contains the message of healing and peace.
- How to use the physical body to anchor all information and energy received.
[/vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_accordion gap=”5″ active_section=”1″ collapsible_all=”true” title=”RETREAT INFORMATION”][vc_tta_section title=”Dates” tab_id=”1517338991482-60a06589-dfbb”]March 19th – 31st 2017[vc_tta_section title=”Place” tab_id=”1517338991565-088e3598-bd72″]Lake Atitlan, Guatemala[vc_tta_section title=”Investment for the training is:” tab_id=”1517339046449-5f590f7c-87dd”]Double occupancy US $2260.00
Single room (limited rooms) $2780.00
Couples $4000.00[vc_tta_section title=”Deposit” tab_id=”1517339071582-1c9f4727-85d8″]
A minimum of $400.00 deposit is required to reserve a space.
[vc_tta_section title=”Main Tour Includes:” tab_id=”1517339542357-55e67cb6-5fca”]
- The cost of the workshops, all classes and meditations
- At Villa Sumaya all three vegetarian meals
- Lodging double occupancy, limited single occupancy is available
- All vegetarian meals while at Villa Sumaya; Fish and chicken are available for an additional cost.
[/vc_tta_accordion][vc_row el_class=”added-features”]
Added Features:
- Explore Lake Atitlan and the market of Chichicastenango. This has to be the most amazing cultural experience you can have. The market is one of the most colorful in Latin America.
- Visit the towns of Santiago de Atitlan; you will visit Maximon, the patron saint and the mysterious Mayan/Catholic spiritual figurehead of Santiago. Walk to the town of Santa Cruz for a nice Highlands hike.
- Personal readings by individual request – divinations A Mayan Shaman the one that will do the protection and blessing ceremony for us will be available for individual divination readings and divinations using ancient Mayan traditions.
- Journey with other metaphysically minded travelers
- Make new friends and connect with some old ones
- Morning moving meditations & Yoga
- And much, much more…….
Important Arrival Information:
It is highly recommended that you arrive at least the day before the first day of the retreat, that is March 18th. Students must arrive in Guatemala City before March 19th , 2017 and depart after the morning of March 31st, 2017.
NOTE: If you arrive on the 19th, you will miss the first morning possibly the whole day of the Level 1 class.
You will fly into Guatemala City (airport code GUA); from the airport you will take a shuttle that will take you to lake Atitlan the latest shuttle will depart no later than 2:00 PM. The ride to the lake takes approximately 3.5 hrs. Once you are registered and know your arrival time, we will coordinate the shuttle for you.
We will begin the retreat at 7 am with meditation on March 19th , and the Level 1 class at 9:30 am.
If you arrive in Guatemala City after 2-3 pm, you will have to spend the night in Guatemala City.
Hotel information for your overnight stay in Guatemala City will be given once you register; hotel cost is approximately $50 – $60.
Additional nights are at your own cost in Guatemala City or Villa Sumaya where you can stay the day before or after the retreat to continue your process.
Not included in the tour price:
- Air transportation from your country of origin and back. Transportation to Panajachel, $80 for a private 1-2 people, $30ea. for 3, $25 for 4, $22 for five or more. Boat ride to Villa Sumaya, approximately 20 minutes. Price from $3 for public to $12 for private.
- Once you have your arrival details we will coordinate your arrival with other participants to minimize the costs.
- Drinks, massages, individual medical insurance, departure tax
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Here is a little about Villa Sumaya
Villa Sumaya, in the heart of Guatemala’s highlands, offers opportunities to discover Lake Atitlan’s living and legendary landscape. Villa Sumaya hotel and retreat center is seductively situated on the picturesque shores of Lake Atitlan (at 1,500 ms/4500 ft above sea level). With an uninterrupted vista punctuated only by a skyline of three perfect volcanoes, Villa Sumaya is the ultimate high for adventurers in search of beauty, reflection and ageless natural magic. This unpretentious, thatch roofed complex, has magnificent gardens, hot tub, sauna all hidden in the natural surroundings of this beautiful setting.
The meditation, seminar room is called the “Tiger Temple” with thatched roof, simple lines and a unique Asian motif. Boasting a lake front location, full panoramic view, hardwood floor, glass pyramid sky light and cascading garden waterfalls, this space is ideal for yoga, meditation, dance or conferences.
Each room, appropriately named using Mayan glyphs, fully equipped with an in suite bathroom/shower with hot and cold running water, electricity, and a spacious veranda where the lake is a stage. The veranda showcases the best of Lake Atitlan and Guatemala´s timeless nature and history. In your room you’ll be surrounded by flowing fabrics (the hallmark of Guatemalan artistry), hand-crafted ceramic tiles, wooden furnishings mixed and matched in a down-to- earth duo of adobe browns, indigo blues and stone-washed siennas.
Important – Book soon as there is a limited availability on this tour!
Don’t leave it till the last minute. You are worth it!! Please download the registration form from the top of this page. To reserve a spot email Kiva101@aol.com with the following information.
• Name:
• Address:
• Phone:
• Email:
• Occupation:
• Please describe your reason for attending?
We welcome you to share any additional information about yourself that you feel would be good for us to know as we are looking to provide a retreat for like-minded people. Hope to see you there!
Om Shanti,